Creamy Carrot and Ginger


2 carrots, peeled and cubed
1/2 white potato, peeled and cubed
30gm water or homemade chicken stock
30gm cream (optional)
1/8 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 Qubie tray (baby food container)


1. Place the diced carrots and potatoes in a saucepan and just cover with water. Simmer until tender, then drain. Reserve some of the cooking water (unless you are planning on using homemade chicken stock in this recipe).
2. Puree the carrot and potato mixture in a food processor, along with the water (or stock), ginger and cream (if using). You can adjust the consistency of this puree to suit your baby by decreasing or increasing the amount of stock (or water) that you use.
3. Serve this tasty puree as a main meal to a younger baby – or as a vegie accompaniment to a main meal!
4. Pop any left overs in your Qubies for next time.